We recognise that each person is unique and that every funeral should reflect this. We will help and guide you through all aspects of the funeral arrangements, in whatever way you wish us to.
Here are some other things you may want to consider.
Transport arrangements for the day include the route that will be taken, where the hearse and cars following (also known as the cortege) will start from, and decisions on the number of cars required.
For more information, please see our Funeral Transport page.
Some families decide that they would like to bear the coffin themselves at the ceremony, instead of the funeral directors staff. Bearers may be friends, family members or colleagues of the person who has died.
Music is often an important part of the funeral service and many people now ask for specific pieces of music to be played, whether live or pre-recorded. We can advise you on this and make the appropriate arrangements for you.
An Order of Service with maybe a photograph or two, some details of your loved one and their life, or some readings, can help mourners and those attending the funeral service. A printed sheet or booklet like this can also be an appropriate way to provide fond memories of your loved one.
We have many years experience of advising on this and work closely with local printers to ensure a quality product and a fast turnaround.
You may wish to provide some form of light refreshment after the funeral service, or hold a reception or funeral tea for those who have attended the funeral. We can help advise on suitable venues.
We will advise you of all costs as we make the funeral arrangements. We will pay costs to third parties such as the church, the crematorium, florists etc directly on your behalf. These are known as disbursements.